if: resolutions

Happy New Year

My resolutions for 2011 involve keeping a more orderly home and baking.

I have used the renovation of our aged cottage, built in 1727, as an excuse for messy habits. When guests are due, a cleaning and cooking frenzy takes place. The rest of the time wobbily piles of books, magazines, papers and clothes grow in most rooms. Now we have decorated, installed heating and fitted blinds, I resolve to keeping our lovely home looking good, plus cook more often and try new recipes.


  1. The more orderly home should be my resolution as well. I love the illustrations!

  2. Yes, it all sounds very familiar to me too :-).
    A great concept for your art for this weeks word.

  3. Just don't put Silvo in the cakes and use olive oil to clean the bath!LOL Claire x

  4. I think there is a beauty of an organize mess looking at your work:)

  5. Great monoprints...I like the texture and iconography!

  6. Fabulous prints. They look great.

  7. THESE ARE NICE...just nosing around your ancient blogs.


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