Derek Jarman's Garden

I have been busy for weeks with my role as Advertising Officer for South East Open Studios
Yesterday back in the studio adding finishing touches to small paintings started many months ago.
First Derek Jarman's Garden in Dungeness in February.


  1. I like the colours and that the house looks in a bit of a haze - the background is somehow soft. Interesting "circle" at the front - is it one of the flower beds? Or am I trying to put everything into reality frames?

  2. Its a circular flower bed made of large beach pebbles or 'dragons teeth' as Derek Jarman called them.

  3. They look like they're dancing some sort of ritual. 'Like the scrafitto on the roof.

  4. Lovely soft colours, it almost looks like pastels but I am assuming it's oils.

  5. I love the idea the flints dancing.
    Yes it is oils, very thin, dragged over the painting.

    Here is Derek Jarman talking about his circles:

    "At first people thought I was building a garden for magical purposes - a white witch out to get the nuclear power station. It did have magic - the magic of surprise, the treasure hunt. A garden is a treasure hunt, the plants the paperchase.

    I invest my stones with the power of Avebury. I have read all the mystical books about ley-lines and circles - I built the circles with this behind my mind. The circles make the garden perfect - in winter they take over from the flowers."


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